75G cycling done; ammonia hovering at 2ppm

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 13, 2012
Experienced aquarists, I need your help please! I did tons of research prior to setting up the tank and continued to research as the tank was cycling, but I'm stuck.

I have a 75-gallon tank that finished cycling about 1 week ago;cycling took 8 weeks. Fish: 7 platies, 6 mollies, and 11 neon tetras.

I added the Mollies (4 and then 2 more later) about 2 weeks ago; one was apparently pregnant as we now have 6 fry (rescued from being "dinner") that are in a mesh breeder tank.

Problem: Tank ammonia level has remained between 1-2ppm for the last several days, despite daily water changes of 25-50%. I tested the pH today and it is about 7.9, which I read is too high for the fish I have.

The fish look and act fine, but of course, I want to get that ammonia to 0. I have removed the waste from the canister filter, replaced the carbon media, rinsed the ceramic rings, cleaned the gravel, and have not fed the fish (except the fry) for about 3 days. I am pretty sure I don't overfeed the fish, as I've read so much about how bad that is for the fish and the tank.

1) I have an AquaTop CF500UV with 4 filters (1 course plastic filter, 1 bag activated carbon, 2 levels ceramic rings). How clean should it be to keep the good bacteria but have good water flow?

2) Should I just keep doing daily water changes?

3) Should I add anything to lower the pH?

Thank you.
hello zizi, and welcome to the forum.

pH is not of much concern, many fish can acclimate to any pH, as long as you avoid absolute extremes. I would say do as many water changes needed to get the ammonia down. This may mean two or three 50% water changes in a day. As for cleaning filter media, I quickly swish my filter media in the bucket of dirty tank water when doing a water change. I do this once a week. Good luck!
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