8 Gallon Biocube - cloudy after water change 24 hrs later

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 12, 2011
Hey All,

I did my weekly water change and my used to be crystal clear water is now cloudy, white and filmy, looking.

My levels are perfect, ammonia in 0 (zero) too.

Can anyone give a perspective?

Also, one of my very large snails has turned on to its side. Not sure if it is dead. I am monitoring for movement. I did however turn it so that is was belly on the sand and shell pointing straight up. My crabs didn't touch him all night so I hope that it is a good sign.

I also get that, sometimes it takes longer for the h2o to clear up, but after 2-3 days you should have it crystal clear again...as far as the snail, its hard to say, it could be fine, or it could also have "felt" a drop/change in the new water you added? Did you do everything properly? Equal temperature, ph, etc?
Either way, if you notice it hasnt moved in a day or two, remove it...it could be dead...
good luck!
used tap water with purifier and 24 hrs min. I usually have the water mixing from the week before as I mixed to much water.

Snail looks deeply tucked into the shell. Smells like bad sea food, very fishy. I placed the snail high on the rocks. If it is in same place tonight, I will have my answer
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