AA IE 7 Support

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 20, 2006
California & Tokyo
This site looks really odd when using IE7, considering that it will be pushed out to all Win XP users fairly soon will there be an update?

The text on IE 7 looks smushed, if anyone wants a sceenshot let me know.

Safari looks great, i just happen to be on my only windows machine atm.

This has been discussed MANY times. See site help/feedback for our response.

Basicly we wont support IE7 until its no longer BETA/Release Candidate. I work in the industry so I know all the jargon and what a RC means.

I also know exactly what it looks like on IE7 in ALL the styles. Use a different style.
fishfreek said:
This has been discussed MANY times. See site help/feedback for our response.

Basicly we wont support IE7 until its no longer BETA/Release Candidate. I work in the industry so I know all the jargon and what a RC means.

I also know exactly what it looks like on IE7 in ALL the styles. Use a different style.

On Monday it went Final release :D Sorry if i missed a post on this.
I don't understand what you mean by use another style? Can somebody please help?
marnel said:
I don't understand what you mean by use another style? Can somebody please help?
On the home page, you can select a different style. It's the drop down box under your welcome box.
Graphite is known to look fine in IE7.

We will NOT have time to look into the IE7 center issue for a while. I have a real job and a real child and there for can spend very little troubleshooting time tracking down some open center tag that IE6, Firefox, and many other browsers dont seem to reconize.
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