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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 4, 2014
I have a 46 bow front tank, I thinking of getting a rainbow shark, 5 to 6 tiger barbs, a groumbia(spelled wrong) and a peacock eel or a dino bichir will this work for a couple years or can anyone give me any ideas. It to a semi aggressive tank setup. It's a planted tank with 2 drift woods and 6 plants.

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Rainbow sharks are very territorial I suggest only having one in your tank, I have one in mine and 3 tiger barbs they do fine with each other, the barbs will chase each other but won't hurt eachother, and if the barbs are near the rainbow shark, it will chase them but won't hurt them, I don't know about the other fish but barbs and rainbow fish do well together! That's what I've seen
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