Absolute Minimal Salt Water Aquarium

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I mixed 10 gallons (thats all publix had!) of salt water (DI water and Red Sea Coral Pro Salt) up to about 1.024. Poured it over the sand into the tank (plastic bags on top of sand). At first, things were going pretty well with avoiding the milking effect, but then it just became a lost cause. Oh well.

Now there is this foam stuff all over the surface of the water. I did some water tests and everything was at zero with PH being 8.4 ( I guess, 8.4 and 8.8 look really close). Any idea what this is? Looks just like the stuff at the beach, except its completely white. I imagine this is the calcium carbonate micro particulate matter. Since there is no ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate all is fine. (Right?).

Now if this sand is alive, might it begin to produce some ammonia tomorrow from die off? I will fill up the rest of the tank tomorrow with more DI water +salt mix. (Still dont have my RO/DI system yet, but its on its way).

Should I attempt to start a cycle now? Might I add some pure ammonia to the water? (from the grocery store)

At this point, what should I be doing? When do partial water changes start? (Should they start once the cycle is done?).

Thanks guys! Im on my way!

At this point, what should I be doing? When do partial water changes start? (Should they start once the cycle is done?).

Thanks guys! Im on my way!


Water changes are at the end of the cycle. And there's nothing in there to die off to start the cycle, so your water should test zero for everything. So I'd go the cocktail shrimp route and throw one in there to start things out. BUT...

I'd add whatever rock you want to put in there before you start the cycle. Unless you add fully cured rock ($$$), any rock you add after a tank is cycled will just start yet another cycle.

The foam on top will go away. Not sure what it is, but I remember it from when I first filled my tank. Things will clear up as time goes on.
Thats odd about ebay. Here is the item number: 160341317767
I will try out the bio-spira and let you guys know what I find. Somehow, it seems that there still needs to be a source of ammonia, right? Else the bio-spira will starve.

Couldnt find the Bio-Spira (seems to be an elusive product to find) but found some Stress Zyme which also claims to contain live bacteria and claims to set up the biological filter very "quickly". (Whatever quickly means).

I went with a raw piece of cod fish since I plan to eat fish tomorrow.:p I hope thats okay? (other websites suggested raw fish).

I havent added the stress zyme in as I figured that the live sand ought to do something if its truely live. I have the tank all filled up with salt water (made up with DI water). Ph= 8.4-8.8 (color is a little closer to 8.4 I guess). Salt amount = 1.024. I have the heater set for 84F. No powerhead going right now, as the water is milky still.

Anything I ought to be doing? When might the raw fish cause an ammonia spike? I didnt put much in, maybe a teaspoon size piece. Should I put the stress-zyme stuff in, or wait a bit to see if the live sand actually does anything?

Thanks guys!
No lights needed. Right now the lights are more for you then anything else. Put your PH in. The circulation will help things spread out better.
In my opinion, the "bacteria in a bottle" things are a waste of money. I wouldn't put it in. But again... unless you get the rock in there during the cycle, you're going to cycle again when you put the rock in at a later date.
I ordered 15 lbs of live fiji rock from the seller on ebay offering it for $2.59 per lb. plus shipping. He should ship on monday, and I will likely have it tuesday as hes in my state.

In the meantime, how does this sound? I will wait to add the bacteria in a bottle until I see an ammonia spike. After that, I will add in the bacteria to see what it does to the ammonia. If the ammonia drops, and nitrites go up then it works. (Unless my sand IS actually alive and was the reason).

Look for yard sales and find local reef or fish clubs in your area, these are all sources of used equipment that can be had for cheap.I was at a frag swap last weekend and there was a equipment acution and people walked away from it with some really good deals.think about what kind of filtration you want to do. a ps is not really needed if you are doing fish only.
Ive got all my equipment now, minus a protein skimmer. I dont plan to have any coral for quite some time. Right now, I plan to have fish and live rock. Also some inverts such as: Crabs and shrimp.
EDIT: I noticed something odd in the tank. On top of the water is this stringy white stuff. It is fibrous and pulls together when pulled from the tank. Any idea what this crap is?
Its been a few days now since I dropped the raw fish into the tank. Still no ammonia? Im getting a solid zero on the test. Thinking that the live sand may have instantly cycled, I tested for nitrates and those are a solid zero. This leads me to believe that this raw fish isnt rotting. How long should this take? I have the water at 80F and a powerhead in there. Seems after two days, there would be some ammonia, no? I havent been able to find any pure ammonia either. :-( Even the cheapest in the stores has surfactants. (Bad stuff for fish).

There IS that same strange white slimy stringy stuff that floats on the surface of the water. Any ideas? Could this be some sort of algea? Ive been using DI water to mix the salt and for top off.

Is is likely that my water testing stuff is bad?

What type of fish piece did you use instead of shrimp? If the fish has allot of fat then that white stringy stuff is fat coming off your fish.
I used a chunk of raw cod fillet...Fat eh? Is that bad? It seems to keep collecting where the power head pushes the water over to the other side...

I learned the hardway..Publix,or any "machine" water doesn't go thru the DI process.Big trouble down the road.Get RO/DI water from LFS.But don't drink it.I had all kinds of algae problems, switched H2o and tank is clear.
The water I bought was DI water in a jug on the shelf. It tested at 0 too on my TDS meter so it should be fine.

I talked to the seller about the sand I bought and he said this strange junk is bio gel used to keep the bacteria in the sand alive. He said that is why I should have washed the sand. :-/

Skimming it off the surface ought to help, but alot of it has clumped together and sank. I am waiting on his reply as to whether or not it is harmful if left in the tank.

EDIT: The seller assured me that it is harmless and will break down in a few days. I have 15 lbs of fiji live rock coming tomorrow to add to the tank. Today I am going to some hardware stores to look for pure ammonia. (Well, ammonia without surfactants and detergents). Still no ammonia...This cod must be some kind of super cod. Resistant to decay! Arg!

Just use a frozen shrimp. The tank will regulate the amount of ammonia coming off the shrimp. No over dose. That is why I recommend it over the bottled ammonia. Just add the shrimp..no need to measure anything.....
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