Acclimation help!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 28, 2004
Lebanon, IN
OK, so my Danio's are ready to go into my 55-gal. Parameters are great. Time to take the plunge! Yeah!

I put them in a clean bucket. Put water from the tank they were in (10-gal) and plan to slowly add H2O from the 55-gal over an hour or so. I pt an airstone in the bucket. Sound good?

Sounds more than okay to me. You could float them as you do when bringing them home from the store. If the water parameters are the same in each tank, as well as time, toss them in! Well, that's what we do at my house :D
Thanks for the advice Menagerie. I thought about doing that because the parameters in my 10 and 55-gal are almost the same. I do have a smidge of nitrites and nitrates in my 55-gal, though and the temp is a degree or two higher. I rigged up an airline hose to drip slowly in the bucket. I read about that in the acclimation article on this site.

I think the Danio's think they are on vacation. They seem to love the airstone. They keep swimming over it. It's hilarious!

I have 3 Red-Eyed Tetras and 3 Hatchetfish in the 10-gal where I had my Danios. They are staying in the 10-gal for now. I had a hard time netting the Danio's because they are so darn fast! It took me about 15-20 minutes to get all 5 of them. I think one of my Red-Eyed Tetras is exhausted from collecting the Danios. He's just laying on the bottom of the tank panting. He was fine before. I hope he makes it. I'm worried about him. Is this common with Red-Eyed Tetras? Is there anything I should do except just keep an eye on him?


Everything looks great!! The Danios are in the 55-gal and schooling like mad! My Red-Eyed Tetra is now swimming slowly around.

Everything went as expected so far!

I love this hobby!
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