My mistake...I misunderstood what you were looking for. I have amazon soil in my tank but I got it from the Tampa Aquarium. Usually municipal aquariums get biotype substrate from a wholesaler. I will look into it for you. The Amazon soil comes in bricks. The soil is gathered, separated, placed into molds and baked. This removes stuff like twigs etc. The baking renders the soil sterile. This also removes 98 percent of the moisture, thus reducing the weight. When I got it, it came in sheets like ceramic tile. I placed several layers on the bottom of my tank and added water. It took about 3 days to dissolve. I had to add water several times as it was sucked up by the sheets. Finally I had a sticky clay in which I anchored my plant roots, and capped with Eco-complete. From there I filled the tank over 3 days until gull. I let the tank run for 6 weeks before adding any fish. It worked GREAT! I will see if I can contact the aquarium for suggestions. The aquarium ordered it and I was blessed to get some. This stuff is heavy, so if I can get it for you, it usually weighs about 180 pounds, so the shipping will be expensive.