Adding additional media to filter?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 30, 2012
If I added additional media to my filter (considering the aqua clear biomax) would that increase my BB or would all of my BB just seed to it and my BB stay the same? Before adding more fish I want up up my BB. Opinions? I was considering getting an active sponge filter from angels plus but in all honesty I don't want to take the chance of my tank being taken over by snails.
If you got biomax you would add places for bacteria to live because the biomax(ceramics) have a huge surface area.
Anyone else have any suggestions on this? Am I thinking about this correctly, that it will help build more BB?
Anyone else have any suggestions on this? Am I thinking about this correctly, that it will help build more BB?

BB will grow / multiply in response to your bio-load. If your tank's already established, then some BB from your old may migrate to the new media, but they may not necessarily multiply much if at all in numbers. If you want more BB then you'd have to increase the bio-load to provide more ammo as a food source.

Nothing wrong however with providing media that offers more surface area for BB to multiply and occupy. You get a lot of BB in a smaller media with those ceramic rings.
I added biomax to my Marineland filter for another place for the BB to grow. I was not 100% sold on the bio wheel lasting very long. If it breaks at least I know I have the bio-max in the filter as well.
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