adding fish!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 10, 2013
Hello I have a 55 gallon tank well established. I have about 730-780gph and my tank is stocked with 2 giant danios, 1 Australian rainbow, 5 tiger barbs, 3 mollies, and a rainbow shark. Im looking to add more im thinking either dojo loaches, or a dinosaur birch. If I go loaches I wanna do 2 bala sharks. I can move my mollies back 30 gallon tank if need be, please let me know what yall think.
Bala sharks get to be well over a foot, around 16". They really can't be in anything so small. They wouldn't even be able to comfortably turn around in a tank of that width. It's also a schooling fish and you can't reasonably fit one, let alone 3+


Sorry :(
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