adding more sand

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 14, 2012
I would like to add about 50 more lbs of play sand to my aquarium. What would be.the best method of doing this without stressing the fish/clogging the filter?
i added 20 lb to my tank of black sand what i did was turn pumps and power heads off and with a disposable cup after rinsing it scoop it and place it where you like it try not to fill cup up to much cause as you place the cup in water fills it and it overflows....good luck let it settle before you turn everything back on
It would be much easier if I.could just sink the bag, but since I have to wash it first I can't. I was hoping there was a faster way than a cup at a time for 50lbs I.was also worried that with me being in the tank that long, moving things around, etc it may stress the fish...? Any thoughts?
it goes pretty fast depending on your cup size you also can use a bowl whatever you like but take it slow so you dont stir it up to for fish mine are curious so they kept going into the pouring sand
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