adding the gravel to the tank with fish and snails in it!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 26, 2005
chesapeake, va
i will add the eco complete gravel to my tank but i have some questions. there are 3 guppies, a lot of snails and a few amazon sword plants in there, so how do i add the gravel to the tank without stressing on them? should i add the gravel to a side then add to another half? i don't really want to remove everything from the tank just because of gravel. but if i really have to do that, i will. :roll:

edited to add another question :lol:

how many bags of eco complete do i need for my 20 gallon long tank? i would like to have a tahitian moon sand on top - so should i get a bag of eco complete and a bag of tahitian moon? i don't really care about the costs, i just want the best for my planted tank with guppies and snails (i'm breeding them as food for my turtle). i really need some resource of calicum for snails (red ramhorns and apple snails) - so should i use the coral in the gravel? any suggestions?
Putting the moon sand overtop of the eco complete might negate some of the effect that the eco complete will have on your plants.

eco complete is the bomb ;) If anything, put it on top, or mix it in.

There is a "how much gravel do i need" in the calcualtors section. Theres a link to it just below the advertisment above.

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