Adf floating at top of tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 2, 2014
For 2 days, he's been at the top very still. Thought he was dead but he's alive. I moved him to a bucket. Is he dying? Anyway to know. He looks dead and even when I poked him he didn't move. But then when I started dumping the water out he started swimming. I don't have any tank parameters right now unfortunately. All other fish are doing well.

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No. Quite skinny. Not bloated at all.

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Sounds like he may need some good food. They are supposed to be kinda chubby looking when well fed. Maybe some blood worms, you can defrost frozen ones.

Get the water checked if you don't have a test kit too.

What other inhabitants in the tank with him? Before you put him into a bucket? Is there a filter on the tank? Is it cycled?
He didn't make it. :(. He was not a good fit for the tank. He was in with 2 mollies and 5 neons in a 20 gallon. The tank recently went through ich and treatment. Mainly I think he was out competed for food but sad day for the kids. He was a cute little guy.

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