Adf tank move

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 20, 2014
South Wales
I currently have 3 adf in my 20g tank along with guppies and tetra.. Would it be better to move them to my smaller 27litre tank to ensure they are eating.. I currently have 1 month old guppy fry in there.. I could move these to the main tank
You don't need to move them if you don't want to. You can buy feeding tongs and bring the food to them. It takes a few extra minutes but that way u know they are eating.
I had some that did the same I would mix pellets with the bloodworms eventually they would eat the pellets without the worms
It should be fine as long as they don't fit in any of the other inhabitants mouths. I've mixed them with ghost shrimp with no issue.
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