Advice on what fish to go with our current fish :)

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 1, 2013
west midlands

Im new to the forum so i hope ive done this correct, appoligies if i havnt.

We have just upgraded our tropical tank to a 35 gallon (160 litres) tank (from a 10 gallon tank)

We currently have in the new tank:-

1 common pleco (still very small, although expecting him to get alot bigger)
2 dalmation platys (one male one female)
1 dalmation platy fry (3 weeks old)
1 black platy (male)
6 neon tetra
2 penguin tetra.

In such a large tank they all look a little lost.
were looking at getting more smaller fish, as i like them much more than the larger ones.

My question is what would everyone recommend to blend well with the ones we already have?

Thanks alot in advance for your help x x
First of all, the pleco needs to go, that will grow well over a foot long. Next, do you know how to cycle a tank? If not, read these two:
Third of all, for fish you could have pretty much any peaceful fish, but you really should get at least 3 more penguin tetras, they do much better in groups of 5+. I would recommend:
Cherry and rosy barbs
Bloodfin, black skirt, flame, and black phantom tetras
Zebra danios
Harlequin rasboras
You really do need to rehome the common pleco. Not only is he going to outgrow the tank but they produce copious amounts of waste and really add to a tanks bio-load. Also just so you know while some of the fish you have now are small the mollies for example grow quite large over times. I've seen older males hit 5 inches. Mollies also have a high bio-load. Also having a male and female means there will be a lot of little mollies unless the other fish manage to keep the fry population under control.

All that being said I do agree you need to increase you penguin tetras to 5 or 6. What about adding a colorful centerpiece fish such as a dwarf or honey gourami? You could do a single or pair of German Blue Rams if you tank is at least 4 months old and you keep your nitrate levels below 20ppm. A nice shoal of Cory Cats would give you a clean up crew and keep the bottom of the tank active.

You don't want to see how many fish you can put in the tank as that can. There should be room/space so they aren't crowded. Plus fish do grow so before purchasing any fish I suggest researching them to see what their adult size is and their overall requirements are.
Thanks both,

first of all i want to point out im not a total newbie to fish keeping, our other tank had been running for over a year, this tank was fully cycled before any of our old fish and new fish were added.

what size tank would you both advise for minimum for the common pleco? when we purchased him we were advised our 160 litre would be perfect for him so rather gutted your both saying otherwise.

we do want more colour so il research some of the ones you have suggested.

thanks x:)
Common pleco's need large tanks as they get bigger, 100 gallons or more. Honestly they get huge. Your talking about a fish that gets 1 to 2 feet long. I've had common pleco's over a foot long before.

Also remember that stores are in the business to sell fish and often times employee's really don't know a lot about fish, their bioload, and their adult size. It's no different than stores that sell goldfish to a person who just bought a nano tank and tell them they are just fine to keep in it.

I've been in the hobby well over 30 years and I still research fish I want to buy if I've never kept them before.
i am just starting out and wondering what kind of fish i should start with in a 30 gallon tank after i cycle it ( looking into black phantom tetras)
i am just starting out and wondering what kind of fish i should start with in a 30 gallon tank after i cycle it ( looking into black phantom tetras)

We would love to help, but this is thread jacking haha, u can always make a new one or pm me an I will be happy to help.

Also, Rivercats advice is spot on, as always.
Look into a clown pleco or bristle nose. Also that single female platy is going to get harassed something fierce. I had 1m 1fm for a while and she never got a break. I have 1M to 3 fm now and everyone plays nice! Be ready for lots of fry though :)
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