African Sword Plant

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 20, 2006
When we set up our tank 5 weeks ago, we planted 4 swords...about 8" high, along with sevral other plants. One of the swords has sent off a shoot/stem, which has produced a clump of new leaves and a single root. For now, I'll leave it alone, but common sense tells me that I could nip that growth just below the root and plant it.

The root is a good 7-8" above the substrate, and is growing into a group of other plants. I wonder if the root will seek the gravel that far down, or will the alpha plant continue to feed the new offshoot until it.....breaks away on it's own?

FWIW.....this sword is planted close to a buried 150w heater. I wonder if that heat source has sent this critter on a repo-high.

Thnx for sharing your thoughts


You're on the right track. When the plantlet has several healthy roots and a few good-sized leaves, cut it off and plant it wherever you want, but make sure it won't be too shaded by larger plants.

Adventitious plantlets, like what you've got, will grow best if left to develop 4-5 leaves and a decent root structure. It will grow well in mid-water for the time being. Let it go until it looks healthy and then plant it in the substrate once it shows a good root structure. At that point it is safe to clip the umbilical from the mother plant :) Clip the branch at the halfway point and it should do well.
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