African Threadfin Catfish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 15, 2011
Greetings all- I'm a avid south american Cichlid fan and have added a threadfin catfish. Now my tank has ich after 2 weeks and has spread to my convict. I've been treating my 30 gallon tank with Rid Ich for 4 days now with water changes each time at 25-30%. Seems to be working, however... My threadfin cat has been swimming upside down at the top of the tank for the last 3 days. My tank has 0 ammonia, no nitrates/nitrites and my ph is 8.3. We have hard water in our area. Bumped up temp to 80 degrees and added salt.

Is my cat going to die due to treatment or just to late to cure his ich? Please help!
If your cat is one of the synodontis species they don't handle meds well. This is coming from experience. Our little Fat Boy (featherfin syn) had ich when we got him. Since he went straight to QT (like all new fish we get) here's what I did:

They don't tolerate salt at all. I tried that method and it almost killed him. I used the meds at half strength for a longer period of time, just like if I was treating tetras or bettas. It's much easier on the fish and the biological bacteria. Lots of water changes as well. He pulled through and is fat and happy now. Since they come from the same waters as some african cichlids, high pH is preferred so don't worry about that.
Thanks all-- Both my convict and cat still have ich 6 days now of treatment. Convict seems to be getting better but my cat's skin seems to now be peeling. The peeled
Skin is light tan in color. I'm assuming it could be due to the Rid Ich and salt treatment? Should I stop treatment or keep at it? Argh!

Appreciate all your advice!
I would stop the meds...raise the tank temp to 86 degrees and use aquarium salt at half strength. Then perform water changes every other day with gravel vac and adding salt for the amount you replaced for 14 days.

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