Aggresive neon damsel

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 20, 2009
SW of Chicago
I have three of these and the largest of the three is really beating up the other two. Is this normal? Also how do you catch fish when you have so much live rock that as soon as the net goes in the water they all go behind the rocks? The only thing I can think of is leaving the net in the tank all the time and they get used to it's presence but that will only give me one good swipe before they hide again. The next step is to take 90 lbs of live rock out and catch either the agressive one or the two he's beating up?

Thanks for any help, Rich
I dont have it here at work but I`ll post a link on catching fish in the tank when I get home this afternoon. It`s pretty good info.
I dont have it here at work but I`ll post a link on catching fish in the tank when I get home this afternoon. It`s pretty good info.

Please forward the fish catching methods so I don't have to empty the tank to catch one or two fish!

I removed a clown by leaving the net at the top of the tank partly in the water. Use a net just large enough to hold the fish. While feeding move the net slowly like it's another fish feeding. At the end of the feeding take a slow swipe as if to catch the suspect fish. After 2 or 3 days of this make a real attempt. This will work on aggressive eaters. The first time I caught my fish I wasn't ready and had my wife hold the net while I found a container. Of course I had to start all over again.
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