Aggressive Trigger

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 10, 2003
Las Vegas (...or lost wages)
I have had a niger trigger in my tank for over a year now. He has tripled in size and recently become more aggressive towards other fish and even my hand!!

I think this trigger also caused my other huma huma trigger to die from being harrassed.

I also have a maroon clown and tomato clown in there and they are doing fine.

My question is what other fish can I put in here. Would a Wrasse be ok. I am also trying to control the copepod population.

Any suggestions??
How long have you had the trigger in the tank? It will most likely be aggresive towards any other fish you put into the tank. Make sure move the LR alittle so he has to readjust to the tank that way it gives the wrasse a better chance. HTH
IMHO A niger and picasso trigger in 55gallon is a little too small. And lunare wrasses get pretty big themselves. Your a little overstocked. Your niger triggers aggresion level may have rose when it got bigger because of less room, so less territory so it has to fight more.

I wouldnt suggest a lunar wrasse.. I introed one many months ago into my tank with a undulated trigger.. the lunar wrasse was 4 times its size but the trigger killed it within two days..!

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