Air bubbles coming out of Gourami's gills

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 20, 2003
I don't know if this is normal or not, but lately when my dwarf gourami has been eating, air bubles having been coming out of his gills. I first noticed this a couple days ago, so I don't know if it's been going on forever. Now, this is only when he eats. Not when he is swimming or anything else. Bubbles don't come out everytime he "gulps" for a flake but almost everytime. I know gouramis are Labrynith (sp?) fishes. So could a possible explaination be that he is gulping air from the surface while trying to eat and then the air is just coming back out his gills. That seems logical doesn't it? Although air bubbles coming out from a fishes gills does seem odd.

His behavior is normal and hasn't changed, too.
Perfectly normal Dwarf Gourami behavior. They will blow bubbles through their gills to display to other males, this is also one way they form the bubbles for their bubble nest.
Mine blow bubles through their gills, when the food was still not soaked with water, like tubifex cubes. They take a bite and bubbles come out of their gills. The German Blue Ram does that too, so no need to worry. :mrgreen:
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