Albino cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 8, 2012
Anyone know if these albino cichlids are blind or really short of sight?
I was under the impression that due to lack of pigment in the eye that the light prism does not calculate.
At the very least albino fish will be sensitive to bright light.It is true that in many cases their eyesight is not as good as their counterparts.
Make sense why he is more active when I switch my led light to moonlight status
Douglas4701 said:
Anyone know if these albino cichlids are blind or really short of sight?

My Socolofi is blind in one eye, watching him battle with the other guys is hilarious because he flips onto the side his good eye is on and shakes about. I hate to laugh at his handicap but it really does make him look "special". He holds his own tho very well :D
AndrewsPistol said:
My Socolofi is blind in one eye, watching him battle with the other guys is hilarious because he flips onto the side his good eye is on and shakes about. I hate to laugh at his handicap but it really does make him look "special". He holds his own tho very well :D

That would be pretty amusing to see.
That's pretty awesome. My guy gets by. He has a beautiful white color.
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