Albino red diamond discus.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 5, 2011
just sharing some pics of my ARGD in a 55 gallons tank.

Thanks for viewing
W O W, those are beautiful fish!! How much harder than angel fish are discus? I mean, I do water changes, live plants, regular lights, all that but I don't religiously test water, adjust ph, add salt, etc. I guess I'm lucky, but I rarely have any issues in my tank. and please forgive if that is a dumb question as I have never tried to raise discus.
JoeBob said:
W O W, those are beautiful fish!! How much harder than angel fish are discus? I mean, I do water changes, live plants, regular lights, all that but I don't religiously test water, adjust ph, add salt, etc. I guess I'm lucky, but I rarely have any issues in my tank. and please forgive if that is a dumb question as I have never tried to raise discus.

A lot...I'm not sure where to start. I'll send you a PM about it.
Why do you guys keep them in bare bottom tanks? Is it for breeding? Those would be great fish to breed bc they're expensive
It for easy maintenance as I do 70% to 90% water changes daily so I am keeping them in bb tanks.....very simple setup perhaps I will add a few plants in the future in my tanks.
You dont really need plants with beautiful discus in a tank I guess.

And can you breed discus? Or are they only wild caught?
Well if I was gonna be a fish breeder id definately breed discus. Those things sell for like $50 or more
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