algae eater. . .recommendations welcome

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 13, 2005
Charleston, SC
I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 swordtails and 3 fancy guppies. I want to clean the algae out. I have pleco's in my other tanks, so I want something new.

Any suggestion?
I would also recommend a bristlenose catfish. I just got one and so far I love him.

Granted I just put him in 5 min ago so I don't know how good he will do.. but he's so cute!
i beleive a Clown Pleco would work, they only get up to about 4inches, or like Zagz said, about 3 or 4 otos should work great
A clown pleco will eat some algae but also needs some driftwood to munch on. If you've got hair algae, then you may want a siamese algae eater. Just make sure you get a true sae and not a flying fox.
If you wanted to you could try some apple snails. Put three in my tank a couple of weeks ago and they seem very happy cleaning the rockwork for my cichlids. They also seem to be doing a better job than my goldnugget pleco. It's just a thought.
The fancy plecos, especially gold nuggets, are hopeless at clearing algae :)

A bristlenose if your algae is green, sae or otocinclus if its brown, IME.
apple snails, ghost shrimp, otos are all good IME.

clown plecos don't eat much algae and SAEs will get too big for a 20 gal

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