Am I overstocked?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 22, 2004
Michigan, USA
Hi everyone,

First of all since I haven't yet posted this year Merry Christmas :x-mas: and Happy New Year. Second, and to the point, I was wondering if I could get your opinions on my 50 gallon tank (the fish list should be at the bottom of here). I was hoping to get some dwarf gouramis in the tank as well, but it's finally beginning to look kinda full. It is a planted tank as well, so I was told it can hold a little more and I keep up on water changes etc. It has two emporer biowheel 400 filters (I think that's what they are at least, they're big filters). All my fish are decently small at the moment however and I know they are not all full grown, which is why I thought I'd ask. Thanks for any input/opinions!! :D
Doing the math-

6 black skirts get to be at LEAST 2in = 12 gal
12 serpea tetras get to be 2in = 24 gal
The rams, i believe, get to be at least 3in= 21

That puts you at 57 and thats not including all the other things

I personally think you are on the overstocked side and wouldn't recommend more fish..
yea, I would say you you are pushing it. plecos, no matter how small produce a LOT of waste. I would not add any more fish.
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