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Hey guys, I was wondering if the ammonia filter media pads were any good? I have a 200 gallon canister filter on my 150 gallon tank, and wasn't sure if it would hurt/help or do anything at all thanks.
right now there is no ammonia in the tank, I was just looking online at replacement pads and was wondering if for a couple more dollars they were worth it. the brand is HbH aqua pure cut to fit. thanks
It is good you do not have any detectable NH3. Your tank's biological filtration should be enough to process the NH3. If not, something is wrong. If you are looking for a good chemical filtration pad, I would suggest PURA pads.
No sump, when i bought this tank I didnt know that much about saltwater, so i went with a canister filter. .... now im running a penplax rated for a 200 gallon tank and a rena xp4. So far i hate my coralife skimmer its make so many microbubbles. and its been running for a month and a half. the tank is a perfecto 150 gallon xh I got it for $350 brand new i thought it was a good price.