An unlikely pair of fishy friends - now with pics!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2003
Bristol, Pa
When I decided to change my 20 gallon into a krib tank, I put my adult male gouami, Ramses, in the 46 gallon.

The gourami and the killifish compatibility was my biggest fear. I asked around and everyone said it should be fine. Little did I know they would become buddies! It's not an odd site to see them (both top dwellers) swim to the bottom of the tank and check things out and then come back up. They swim side by side too, it's too cute. I have to get a picture one of these days!
I have a photo swimming around here of a platy buddying up with a pencil fish. They were side by side for as long as they were together in the same tank. It's funny to watch...LOL.
hmmm, I can't even get my two kribs to get along. LOL

I bought a male and female and after a couple days he became the holy terror of the tank. She was the docile one until I traded him in for a female and now she is the holy terror of my tank. I think I'm going to have a one krib tank.

Good luck with that krib tank. lol
Finally got them together!






Oh my goodness...when you read the first post, your imagination kicks in: "What could this possibly look like"? Then, bam! Pics tell the story.

That is just too cute. Who woulda thunk it?
Thats cool.... I know someone thats had angels and oscars in together for about 3 months. it wont last long though!

They have been together in the tank for several months now. They get along well even during feeding time - it truly is funny to watch them swim the tank togther.
Back when my bichir was little and lived in the 20gal with my dwarf gourami, they would always swim around together. *points to avatar* It was pretty cool, but I had to seperate them once he got too big for my 20gal.
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