angel fish spots.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 27, 2013
Hey guys.
I have jumped on here to try and get some answers regarding an on going problem I have with my angel fish.
I recently started up a tank and to start out, got some neon tetra and live plants. All seemed well so I then went and bought an angel fish.
After the first 24 hours I noticed a few spots appear on it's pectoral fins (one side having more than the other)
Not sure what it was, I went to the local aquarium and discussed what had happened and described the spots to the gentleman. He believed it was whitespot disease. Having sold me some "medicine" I begun treating the fish per the instructions.
3 weeks later still continuing treatment the spots had not changed so I thought maybe this guy had it wrong and went to see another aquarium. The gentleman there took one look at the photo and said it had ulcers. He sold me anti biodics and salt to put in the tank. He instructed me to not touch the water for a week (keeping in mind that the anti biodics would turn the water a brown colour) and then after a week do a 25% water change and continue doing so until the water becomes crystal clear again.
It has since been another 3 weeks and yet nothing has changed.
I am starting to wonder if there is anything even wrong with the fish and that maybe these spots were already there and I just never noticed it.
Any ideas or suggestions on what it is or what I should do?
I am at a stand still with my tank as I don't want to buy any other fish and then it turns out the get infected....
This fish is impossible to get a decent photo of. Not sure if you will be able to see it in either of these photos as I have to zoom in to see them.


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