Angel on Hunger Strike

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 21, 2011
I have 2 silver angelfish and one isn't eating. At one point both of them weren't eating then I did a water change and one started eating again however this one almost since I got him just hangs in one corner or another rarely moving to far about i've checked to see if he has any signs of disease or parasites and doesn't seem to have any. I also check the water and there's nothing wrong with nitrates nitrites ammonia alkalinity pH hardness etc and i'm just stumped at whats causing him put not the other angel to continue his hunger strike he's gone over a week with out eating
If you just introduced him he could still be adjusting. Every fish is different.
Maybe you should try feeding different foods. And its always a good idea to ask what they feed them at the shop.

I had a glass catfish that did this. Sadly he starved himself:(
Good luck! Hope he's okay
Thank you I've been feeding them freeze dried blood worms and fish flakes the one that eats likes both so i'm just not sure I hate to give up put after this long with out food i'm surprised he's still alive
My glass cat lasted almost 2 weeks.
All the others ate, still eat and are fine though.
I just don't understand it.
I never tried feeding him anything different though
Shoot well tomorrow I have to do a water change so i guess we'll see if that helps I just don't get why both went on a hunger strike and then now one will eat and the other won't
no :( its gotten worse almost half it's fins are torn now! He still isn't showing signs of sickness I was thinking since his fins were gone maybe he had fin rot but theres no sign of that either he must've run into one of the plants or something and thrashed his way out or is getting so week he got them caught in the filter or something
Is there any aggresive or fin nipper tank mates? Those could cause the rips and mayhe stress him into not eating.

I'm almost positive fin rot is caused by poor water conditions so if they're good than that's not it
There's only 2 angels in there and although i don't see them 24/7 his buddy doesn't seem aggressive at all and the rips only appeared today yesterday they were fine
Are they a pair? Have you sexed them?

Idk man hopefully it'll get better. Hopefully if they're not paired your lfs you got them from will replace it with one that eats
Idk what the sexes r unfortunately the place i bought them from will only replace if they didn't last more than 72 hours and he's lasted much longer than that he looks in pain now...i wish there was something i could do
Yeah angels are hard to sex if their breeding tubes aren't out. I think the female has a more distinct hump on the top of her head and the males is more flat/round...but that's the only difference and its subtle. Supposedly males eyes get redder. I got this all from internet btw. I've only had 1 angel before.

Hows his poop look by the way?
well assuming the eyes redder thing is accurate i think the sick one would maybe be a male he's bigger too but i haven't seen him poop lately the other one is and it looks normal i did put some pics up btw one of the healthy one and the sick one
no i put them in my albums on my profile i tried putting the link up put i guess it has to go thru the moderator first
well i found out at least whats causing the fin rips i caught the other angel biting at him but y is it suddenly acting so aggressive? Its not like they're new to each other they they've been together in the same tank before i even had them
Maybe the other angel was aggresive in the other tank too. Some are more aggressive than others.
Maybe that's why he's not eating, because he's being bullied.
Idk id put him in a tank by himself or give him to someone to try and save his life.
i've put a divider in now and later i'm gonna try and buy some medicine to repair his fins i guess we'll just have to wait and see if he'll eat then
If he does start eating you should re arrange all the decor before removing the divider and putting him with the other one. That way it messes with his established territory
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