Angelicus Botia!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 19, 2005
Los Angeles
these loaches are not eating frozen brine shrimp. they will eat though frozen blood worms. anyone else have this experience?
Yep, they LOVE bloodworms. I feed mine Hikari freeze-dried.

My yoyo eats both, though.
exactly my yoyo takes both but the angels are like hell no bring the worms lol. I have two kinds of dried worms but cannot find the way to make them sink, they just go to waste cause they stay on surface and all of my fishes will not feed off of surface. I tried to dip them in tank water for atleast one hour but they still wont sink.
My yoyo waits until the rest of the tank members have taken their share, then goes up around the filter and powerhead crevices and eats what has collected there. The angelicus don't wait, though; they zip right up to the top and eat with everyone else.

Do your frozen bloodworms thaw a bit and then drop off into the water? Will the angelicus eat them if they float down some?

Also, try sinking veggie discs for them. Mine were clicking away on one this morning.
none of my fish will come to the surface to feed. I have to dip everything in water so it auto sinks when put in the tank. all of my fish eat from floating foods around the bottom or from settle foods. I do take my frozen foods and dip it in hot water to get unfrozen, they wouldnt eat straight frozen food.
I use a feeding tube to get frozen worms to the loaches (and other bottom dwellers). I have a rigid 1 inch diameter tube (think it's supposed to be part of a UGF), set it upright with one end in the gravel. Pop the frozen worms in the other end, wait for them to thaw and sink, and then remove the tube. That's the only way I can get them past the tetras.

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