Angler not eating

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 24, 2012
I bought a wartskin angler last year (October) He was too small for my main 150 (lionfish, lol) so I had him in a 10 gallon until he got big enough. He was tiny, about 3/4." I started him on live brine shrimp, then small live gut loaded ghost shrimp, then selcon soaked frozen silverslides. He readily took the silverslides off of a feeding stick I made every 2 to 3 days. He had his lure going when I walked into the room.

He's about 2 1/2 inches now so I transferred him on Friday. I acclimated him for 90 minutes on a drip (and kept the temp constant). He seems pretty happy and swims around a lot. None of the other fish bother him. The problem is, he won't eat! I use the same stick with a silverslides and he blows it away and doesn't want it. I'm getting concerned because it's been nearly a week. Will he eat if he gets hungry enough? I'll just keep trying I guess. He seems healthy otherwise, no labored breathing and he's active. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1409194330.961968.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1409194344.751116.jpg

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First off, beautiful fish. I love those guys. I think he may be getting adjusted to the new tank and will probably start eating again. Ive had fish not eat for 2 weeks after transfering them to my tank. Youd be surprised how long they can go without food. I hope he comes around and starts eating for you!

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I actually broke down and got some live food for a little while until he gets settled. He's happily taking that. When that's gone I'll get him hungry again and try the skewer.

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Well thats good, glad to hear it!

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I'm a happy guy tonight! After 4 days of fasting he finally took a silverslide off the line. He was front and center in the tank and started flicking his lure when I walked into the room. I quickly defrosted a sliverslide and he took it right away. I'm really happy and I feel like he's going to make it now. :)
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