Aquarium Advice Activist
Hi all. I have a sick dwarf gourami. I have another thread going about him so some of you may know a bit of what's going on already.
He has a wound on his side. It was red and swollen and a few days later there was white stuff on it. His poop is long white and stringy. He hides most of the time and isn't eating much at all. Tuesday night I used jungle parasite clear. He seems a little better...not hiding as much and not darting away whenever I approach. His wound is no longer swollen and there is only a little white stuff there now. It's also sunken in a bit. There is only one wound. I have pimafix and melafix and was planning on using that tonight after a waterchange. I was also advised to use some sort of anantibiotic. Can anyone tell me what kind I should get and where they sell them. Or if anyone has any other ideas to help my poor fish. Thanks and sorry to be so long winded
A 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
nitrate 10ppm
ph 6.6ish
He has a wound on his side. It was red and swollen and a few days later there was white stuff on it. His poop is long white and stringy. He hides most of the time and isn't eating much at all. Tuesday night I used jungle parasite clear. He seems a little better...not hiding as much and not darting away whenever I approach. His wound is no longer swollen and there is only a little white stuff there now. It's also sunken in a bit. There is only one wound. I have pimafix and melafix and was planning on using that tonight after a waterchange. I was also advised to use some sort of anantibiotic. Can anyone tell me what kind I should get and where they sell them. Or if anyone has any other ideas to help my poor fish. Thanks and sorry to be so long winded
A 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
nitrate 10ppm
ph 6.6ish