Anubias question..

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Catfish Lover

Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 1, 2013
Do you tied down the roots to a rock/driftwood or do you tie the rhizome to it because its taking a long time to attach to my rocks. I currently have the roots rubberband to rocks and not the rhizome. Should it be the other way around?
Do you tied down the roots to a rock/driftwood or do you tie the rhizome to it because its taking a long time to attach to my rocks. I currently have the roots rubberband to rocks and not the rhizome. Should it be the other way around?

I just gently tie the Rhizome down and the roots grow as they want. It is a slow growing plant :)

Do you tied down the roots to a rock/driftwood or do you tie the rhizome to it because its taking a long time to attach to my rocks. I currently have the roots rubberband to rocks and not the rhizome. Should it be the other way around?

Hello Cat...

I use pieces of lava rock and attach only the roots to the rock with a thin rubber band. Standard rocks aren't porous enough.

You can damage the rhizome if you wrap the band around it. The roots will grow into the porous lava rock and eventually into the substrate.

As long as the bands aren't tight they will be fine. Actually if they were tight and the bands cut the rhizome in half it would be alright if each side had leaves and roots. This is how you divide them into multiple plants anyway.
Hello again Cat...

Well, that's not the best approach. But, what the heck. If the rubber bands aren't too tight, the plants will likely be fine.


I just rearranged again and strapped them to the roots, most of the rocks are smooth stones so I know they probably won't attach but it's my only option as of now, they are growing albeit slowly as anubias does.
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