Wanted: Any low light trimmings for sale?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 7, 2013
Does anyone have any low light trimming or plants for sale? Will pay shipping and for the plants. Thanks
I've got Anacharis (A bunched plant that grows like crazy in almost all light), some Bacopa, Red Ludwigia, Chain Swords, and some Crypts. PM me for details on any of them :)
Let's keep the commenting to a minimum unless you intend to transact. It is up to the buyer and seller to agree on price and no one else's responsibility.
I can do $20 shipped for that package. Im pretty generous with the amount of plants I send. Never had people complain about the prices except for now, Must be missing something :huh:
Sounds like Dallas knows his stuff and can hook you up with a pretty great plant package :)
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