Any one have luck with Walmart plan bulbs?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 7, 2005
Teutopolis, IL
Hello all,

I was waiting on my wife in lovely Wally World the other day and stumbled over to the fish tank area. I seen a lot of poor health fish there, it made me sad :cry: . But I also seen some plant bulbs for sale. They said that they would start growing quickly....

Has anyone tried these? Has anyone had any luck with these bulbs or any bulbs for that matter? Also, are there any special guidlines I should be looking at for bulbs?

Thanks again,
My experience has been hit or miss. I put tons of the two kinds in my 29. One kind is Aponogeton, and the other is lillies. Out of all the bulbs I put in only several sprouted....mostly the apons. Of the ones that did sprout, I had some wicked awesome growth, and still do. I even have them under NO light at around 1.3 wpg. So, they're okay. Not too bad. I would consider them worth it.
Thanks for the quick reply....

I thought the lillys looked cool so I tried them. They are a redish colored pland and I figured that they would need high intensity light. Maybe that is why you had better luck with the other ones. I have to be honest, I have four bulbs in my tank at the moment. I hope they work.....

The light could have def. been an issue. The Apons just sprouted so much better than the lillies. I even put the lilly bulbs in a glass on my widow and couldn't get a bunch of them to sprout. The ones that did sprout have gone wild in my tank and they are enourmous plants. I have to trim them frequently so the other plants can get light. The leave are huge and will grow up to the surface and blanket it.

Good luck with yours. (and yes, they are a beautiful red plant. My fish love them)
i too have been hit and miss, i have tryed them a couple of times, one ever got two to sprout. they have been good plants thought, going on 2 years and going strong
garth7 said:
Hello all,

I was waiting on my wife in lovely Wally World the other day and stumbled over to the fish tank area. I seen a lot of poor health fish there, it made me sad :cry: . But I also seen some plant bulbs for sale. They said that they would start growing quickly....

Has anyone tried these? Has anyone had any luck with these bulbs or any bulbs for that matter? Also, are there any special guidlines I should be looking at for bulbs?

Thanks again,

the lillies take up the whole tank in higher light, so I had to pull them out. Here are the Aponogeton's that I got from there. they are the ones that take up the left and right sides. for 2 bucks there are not bad at all. I also have them in my 75 gal. (tips to getting them to grow: get the first ones on the shelf, ie the newest ones. do not hunt for the ones with the most bulbs, get the ones with the biggest bulbs. lessons learned.)

They have some really nice plants here at the wally world. I havent purchased any but they look really nice.
I do and I LOVE them,...I just got some new ones....( I the others ones died cause I accedently left them out of the water for to long..opps) so acutally going to buy more...and the lillies are nice if you want to prune them alot!
sounds like a hit or miss thing then. I wasnt sure how long the bubls sat on the shelf ect. I guess if nothing else I will have to keep on trying.

Will any of the red lillies grow from cut stems?
The short They are a bulb plant and have to sprout from the bulb. Cut stems will not produce roots, only the bulb will.
They will reproduce via runners and form new bulbs. If you have fish that like to nibble your plants you may need to sprout them in a breeder tank (or somehow otherwise separated from the general population) so your fish don't eat the sprouting plant. Trim the surface leaves on the lilly to encourage lower growth.
Well, its been a while and still no luck on the bulbs sprouting. I think I may take them out and put them into a shorter tank with more light. Think this will work?
You may just have some duds. Generally those bulbs have some sort of guarentee on them, so if they don't sprout you can get them replaced. Check the packaging if you still have it, and it should have instruction for what to do.
Actuall after looking again tonight, one of them sprouted. I will give the rest some time....
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