Any suggestions?

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X the Outsider

Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 20, 2004
I'm trying to decide on what invert to get next for my tank. I'm going to get three more astrea, and nassarius snails to complete my team of snails. I might change it up a little with a different type of snail to dig through the substrate. But my question to the almighty AA is any suggestions on an invert that would be interesting to watch to add to my tank? I would really like something interesting, and visible.
Cleaner shrimp are an all time favorite. Once they get settled in, they are out and about everywhere. Once they become accustomed to you, they will not shy away, even to the point they will hop on you and get to work cleaning. You can't go wrong with them.
How about a couple skunk cleaner shrimp? Mine are always out and moving. People love them. You can try a fire shrimp as well, they have great color but mine seems to be a bit reclusive. Keep an eye on the jawfish, but if it has not bothered your peppermint you should be okay.
when most people say cleaner shrimp they are refering to the shrimp that is red and yellow and has a white skunk stripe down the middle of them. I think its lysmata amboinensis.

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