Anyone Got Any Ghost/Paranormal Stories

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I'll see if she still has it. Once I get around to putting all my backed up stuff on my new computer I will post my pictures from the concentration camp with all the orbs.

And jess, isn't that place creepy? The odd thing was that we didnt see anything until we looked at the pictures on her camera. If I remember correctly it was in more than one shot.

it's pretty creepy!

Today I was swimming in the pool at my friend's apartment complex and I felt somebody swimming next to when my friend was all the way on the other side of the pool! Her apartment is like the worst place you can live in my town, there are murders there all the time! It felt like a little kid swimming because the feet didn't touch the bottom and I was just in 3ft! A few months ago a little boy drowned in that pool so I think it was his ghost! I'm just gonna say that my friend's family is just living there while they finish the contract for their new house in a few weeks!
it's pretty creepy!

Today I was swimming in the pool at my friend's apartment complex and I felt somebody swimming next to when my friend was all the way on the other side of the pool! Her apartment is like the worst place you can live in my town, there are murders there all the time! It felt like a little kid swimming because the feet didn't touch the bottom and I was just in 3ft! A few months ago a little boy drowned in that pool so I think it was his ghost! I'm just gonna say that my friend's family is just living there while they finish the contract for their new house in a few weeks!

OMG, that just reminded me of something that happened to me in high school... She is Catholic, and as her grandma taught Sunday School she was always pretty involved in it. She had some assignment when she was a kid involving reading the Footsteps prayer to everyone in the class... except one kid drowned in the local swimming pool before she could. She had had a few experiences of seeing this kid before, it seemed like it was some sort of "unfinished business" for him. To give a little background, I spent the last two years of high school in essentially a boarding school - I lived in a dorm. Senior year, this girl was my "unofficial third roommate" - she had issues with her roommate, and because we couldn't switch til the end of the semester she slept with us for most of the first semester of the year (she got kicked out for a failing grade at the end of first semester - this was a gifted and talented school, and a D in a class required for graduation meant getting kicked out). She started seeing this kid again during that time - we all felt cold spots, but she saw him at the foot of my bed for a few nights, and we figured out what we probably needed to do. She needed to read said prayer to him. So one night we sat up until we sensed him and she saw him, and she read the prayer. Oddly, none of us who were present have extremely clear memories of that night, and she has forgotten pretty much all about it. I just remember the room getting freezing cold. After that night, the cold spots and her sightings of him never happened again.

There was also a haunted dorm room in the girl's dorm. They stopped placing students there because no one wanted to sleep there, as odd things would happen. There was what looked to be a bullet hole in one of the windows, and none of the RA's would talk about what had happened there. I still would love to know.
OMG, that just reminded me of something that happened to me in high school... She is Catholic, and as her grandma taught Sunday School she was always pretty involved in it. She had some assignment when she was a kid involving reading the Footsteps prayer to everyone in the class... except one kid drowned in the local swimming pool before she could. She had had a few experiences of seeing this kid before, it seemed like it was some sort of "unfinished business" for him. To give a little background, I spent the last two years of high school in essentially a boarding school - I lived in a dorm. Senior year, this girl was my "unofficial third roommate" - she had issues with her roommate, and because we couldn't switch til the end of the semester she slept with us for most of the first semester of the year (she got kicked out for a failing grade at the end of first semester - this was a gifted and talented school, and a D in a class required for graduation meant getting kicked out). She started seeing this kid again during that time - we all felt cold spots, but she saw him at the foot of my bed for a few nights, and we figured out what we probably needed to do. She needed to read said prayer to him. So one night we sat up until we sensed him and she saw him, and she read the prayer. Oddly, none of us who were present have extremely clear memories of that night, and she has forgotten pretty much all about it. I just remember the room getting freezing cold. After that night, the cold spots and her sightings of him never happened again.

There was also a haunted dorm room in the girl's dorm. They stopped placing students there because no one wanted to sleep there, as odd things would happen. There was what looked to be a bullet hole in one of the windows, and none of the RA's would talk about what had happened there. I still would love to know.

Whoa!! That is amazing. I would never have the guts to WANT to wait for a ghost, and then read a prayer to it haha. So your friend was the only one who could actually see the boy? And everyone else could only sense him?
Yep. She saw him, I felt him at my feet, my roomie felt the cold spots, and we essentially exorcised him. I mean, what else could we do? He was hanging around every night and freaking one of my best friends out majorly. We gave it a shot and it worked. What I find most odd is that the person it effected the most has pretty much no memory of the night in question. She doesn't even really remember the boy or the circumstances surrounding why he was haunting our room. After our "exorcism" she promptly passed out and by the next morning was rather confused as to why there was a printout of the footprints prayer on my desk.
Shouldn't have read all of these. Don't like paranormal stuff!:nono:
Too scared to sleep now :hide: and it's 1:30 in the morning *cries*
it's pretty creepy!

Today I was swimming in the pool at my friend's apartment complex and I felt somebody swimming next to when my friend was all the way on the other side of the pool! Her apartment is like the worst place you can live in my town, there are murders there all the time! It felt like a little kid swimming because the feet didn't touch the bottom and I was just in 3ft! A few months ago a little boy drowned in that pool so I think it was his ghost! I'm just gonna say that my friend's family is just living there while they finish the contract for their new house in a few weeks!
Wow Jessica, your one brave lady. Swimming in a pool with a ghost child while keeping an one eye out waiting for some gangster to take a pop at you...haha
OMG, that just reminded me of something that happened to me in high school... She is Catholic, and as her grandma taught Sunday School she was always pretty involved in it. She had some assignment when she was a kid involving reading the Footsteps prayer to everyone in the class... except one kid drowned in the local swimming pool before she could. She had had a few experiences of seeing this kid before, it seemed like it was some sort of "unfinished business" for him. To give a little background, I spent the last two years of high school in essentially a boarding school - I lived in a dorm. Senior year, this girl was my "unofficial third roommate" - she had issues with her roommate, and because we couldn't switch til the end of the semester she slept with us for most of the first semester of the year (she got kicked out for a failing grade at the end of first semester - this was a gifted and talented school, and a D in a class required for graduation meant getting kicked out). She started seeing this kid again during that time - we all felt cold spots, but she saw him at the foot of my bed for a few nights, and we figured out what we probably needed to do. She needed to read said prayer to him. So one night we sat up until we sensed him and she saw him, and she read the prayer. Oddly, none of us who were present have extremely clear memories of that night, and she has forgotten pretty much all about it. I just remember the room getting freezing cold. After that night, the cold spots and her sightings of him never happened again.

There was also a haunted dorm room in the girl's dorm. They stopped placing students there because no one wanted to sleep there, as odd things would happen. There was what looked to be a bullet hole in one of the windows, and none of the RA's would talk about what had happened there. I still would love to know.
Is it amazing that when you thought you had no stories to tell, you suddenly remember stories that you forgot. I thought I only had one or two and others would join in but when you get one story out, another soon follows....
That's a creepy story. Something strange always seems to happen in those boarding schools, especially in the movies!!. They always seem to be real old, gothic type buildings. Maybe they are different in the States but that's what there like over here anyway. Most used to be TB or old psychiatric hospitals, run by the catholic church(over here anyway)....
Yep. She saw him, I felt him at my feet, my roomie felt the cold spots, and we essentially exorcised him. I mean, what else could we do? He was hanging around every night and freaking one of my best friends out majorly. We gave it a shot and it worked. What I find most odd is that the person it effected the most has pretty much no memory of the night in question. She doesn't even really remember the boy or the circumstances surrounding why he was haunting our room. After our "exorcism" she promptly passed out and by the next morning was rather confused as to why there was a printout of the footprints prayer on my desk.
Sounds like she went into some kind of trance. Maybe she has the 'Gift'....
Shouldn't have read all of these. Don't like paranormal stuff!:nono:
Too scared to sleep now :hide: and it's 1:30 in the morning *cries*
In fairness, the clue was in the thread name...haha. The saying "Curiosity killed the cat" comes to mind!!!. Lock your doors and windows and enjoy the rest of the stories:hide::hide:
Is it amazing that when you thought you had no stories to tell, you suddenly remember stories that you forgot. I thought I only had one or two and others would join in but when you get one story out, another soon follows....
That's a creepy story. Something strange always seems to happen in those boarding schools, especially in the movies!!. They always seem to be real old, gothic type buildings. Maybe they are different in the States but that's what there like over here anyway. Most used to be TB or old psychiatric hospitals, run by the catholic church(over here anyway)....

Mine was a bunch if borrowed buildings from the college that shared its grounds with us, and the actual school building was an old high school that used to be on the college campus. My mom actually went there before it became the school I went to, back when she lived in that town for a couple years as a kid. So that was pretty neat. We all spent lots of time wishing ours was some cool, creepy old buildings like most European boarding schools. Actually, scratch that. Most of us just spent a lot of time wishing it was Hogwarts. In a school for the gifted, you get a lot of dorks!

And yeah, she did pretty much go into a trance. She has a long history of sensing things, too.
Mine was a bunch if borrowed buildings from the college that shared its grounds with us, and the actual school building was an old high school that used to be on the college campus. My mom actually went there before it became the school I went to, back when she lived in that town for a couple years as a kid. So that was pretty neat. We all spent lots of time wishing ours was some cool, creepy old buildings like most European boarding schools. Actually, scratch that. Most of us just spent a lot of time wishing it was Hogwarts. In a school for the gifted, you get a lot of dorks!

And yeah, she did pretty much go into a trance. She has a long history of sensing things, too.
So you were a gifted child???.... Are you still in contact with your friend???
So you were a gifted child???.... Are you still in contact with your friend???

Yup, top of my class at my first high school (the boarding school didn't rank academically so we didn't have a valedictorian or anything), I got the National Merit scholarship, plus I fit in the "talented" category as well - did theatre all through high school. The school I graduated from was also the only one of the "state schools" to have an arts program. I went to the Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts - the other ones are just for math and science (and the humanities - I was a humanities focus). There are similar schools in a few other states. And yeah, we went to college together, although now that we've graduated we don't see as much of each other as we used to.
Very cool. I can't say I was as gifted at school as you...haha. I bet if you called her, she would know it's you before she even answers(or checks the screen!). That happens to me sometimes. You think your mobile is gonna ring and then it does??
Very cool. I can't say I was as gifted at school as you...haha. I bet if you called her, she would know it's you before she even answers(or checks the screen!). That happens to me sometimes. You think your mobile is gonna ring and then it does??

We have had moments like that, and I've had even more with my actual roommate from back then. One of the last times she called, it was as I was seconds away from calling her. We also had a crazy tendency to say exactly the same thing, at the same time, with the same inflection. It amused our friends. And another of my friends has sensed my mood from halfway across the state. He'll just call up and ask why I'm so angry or excited. I can do the same for him from time to time. We are also prone to having conversations silently, which is great for freaking out friends around us and it has concerned every girlfriend of his that I have ever met. We can just read each other's facial expressions and thought processes very well. We can also give each other very accurate tarot readings from across the state, when in most cases the person we are reading for has to be in the room with us to get a good reading.
Sounds like some kind of psychic ability. Have you ever thought of developing it more. Not every person with your senses are mediums but can have success in other areas of psychic ability, eg, tarot card reading, healing, remote viewing???
Sounds like some kind of psychic ability. Have you ever thought of developing it more. Not every person with your senses are mediums but can have success in other areas of psychic ability, eg, tarot card reading, healing, remote viewing???

I read tarot cards, and I used to read tea leaves but I am out of practice. My mom still has my nice china cup I used to use... thankfully it was on the china cabinet that was sturdy enough to survive hurricane Katrina. I need to get that from her and practice again. Too bad I'm not a mind reader - so many customers I get at work seem to assume I should be... I work as a server in a restaurant. Seems I should just *know* they wanted their bacon extra crispy even though they didn't say anything, lol.
Not really a ghost/paranormal story but more of a comfort thing, to some people, hopefully. It certainly is to me...
I just heard this one today from my mother. My Granny past away a few months ago. She had very late stages Alzheimer's. She was in hospital for a few weeks and it was expected. She suffered a bad stroke a few weeks before she past. Her whole left side was paralized...
With the Alzheimer's, she didn't recognize anyone and would get different family members mixed up. She thought I was her brother who died very young, my cousin was her husband who died 6yrs previous, my aunties toddler was her youngest child. Didn't recognize most of her children etc etc. As anyone who knows, it's extremely difficult to see anyone go through this awful illness.
She was quite heavily sedated near the end but about an hour before she passed, with all her children around her, she sat up and had an individual conversation with EVERYONE of them(7). She knew everyone of them and spoke/acted completely normally. They thought there was some kind of miracle happening before their eyes. She slipped into a coma shortly afterwards but what happened was a great comfort to the family. Her body was getting ready to move onto the next world.
One time I was outside and I was about to go inside and I saw someone go up the stairs and I though it was my mom so I went up stairs and no one was there and my mom was in the garage :0 and it had sweats on :O
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