Anything i can do to help my rasboras?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 1, 2013
As many of you know my rasboras have been getting bullied by my red minor tetras which I'm taking back.... My rasboras hide behind the filter all the time and don't come out because they don't want to get bitten at agin. I can't return my stupid red minors until tomorrow or prolly longer.... But is there anything I can do to help my rasboras until then? I'm afraid to feed all my fish because the rasboras are afraid to eat because the minors nip for there food until they get it and my black skirt tetras get nipped when they eat also..... I'm soooooo disappointed in those stupid red minors in which are terrible fish and won't even think about gettin again.... Also I forgot to mention the rasboras hide and the minors sneak up on them and bite and the rasboras freak out and swim around the tank until the minors stop chasing.... The rasboras will probably die most of there fins are bitten off because of the stupid red minor tetras....
I'd just leave the overhead lights off, don't feed the tank, and keep the water conditions pristine until you can rehome the aggressors.
I'd just leave the overhead lights off, don't feed the tank, and keep the water conditions pristine until you can rehome the aggressors.

Thank you so much I'm getting rid of those lossy old fish today....
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