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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 18, 2012
Finally managed to score some apistogrammas at a fish store a half hour away! After being the 10th (no joke) store I've tried, I finally found them! I ended up with 2 pairs of A. Cacautoides (double red; 2 males, 2 females) and a pair of A. Trifasciata, love them all to pieces! So beautiful, ended up paying $53 for all 6 and another $10 for a couple of cichlid stones, although I wish I had grabbed a third as my third nesting spot is already occupied by another fish :/ the four cacautoides were $5 each whole the trifasciata were $17.50 each, all healthy and around an inch long each! as soon as the acclimate to their new home, I'll get some pics, since they are all dark from the stress of the move :D so happy right now, ecstatic to say the least
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They're settling in SOOOOO quickly! One of the males found a female and they're hanging out right now haha the trifasciata are both female it appears :/ but I love they way they look! The pic is the cacautoides
This is the best I could do for the trifasciata haha the larger one is hiding out in the cichlid stone with only his head exposed haha

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Once s/he comes out I'll try and snap a pic
I tried to go to Cichlid World in garden city, but they were closed (what store closes on a Tuesday? Haha), so I drove around to different fish stores until I gave up looking, but then decided to try in Livonia, came across fantastic fins and was so pleased with it that I will no longer waste my time with fish doctors haha

They sure are spectacular! I may end up getting a single A. nanay there too, but right now I'm content with my 6 little guys

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I've been dealing with Dale for years and have never been disappointed. Just so you know the sp. nanay are actually eunotus cf. Orange schwanz/orange tail, they are pretty feisty and hopefully you didn't end up with the female I was planning on picking up this weekend.
I was planning on picking up the one, but I'll let you have her! I don't need a feisty one lol what a small world!i happened there by chance and was blown away! Love love love that store!
It is an amazing store and It's the apisto nut's heaven. If you're looking to add one more to your group he has a beautiful agassizi cf. Netz that I saw last week, they are one of the most colorful wild forms of agassizi that you'll ever see.
I just don't want to overload with Apistos bc I wanna see how this initial group does, especially bc I have a rather small footprint for my tank size (18x18 for a 39 gallon). Plus my ph is way high, like 8.0 or 8.2 for some reason... I may bring my water sample and tap water sample up there tomorrow to figure it out with him... I'd hate to lose any of my guys/gals

* just looked up the agassizi cf. nets and they look great! May have to snag one and some more cichlid stones!
Your water will be fine, the cacatuoides will spawn and be quite prolific at those parameters, none if the species you have are from blackwater habitats so they don't need very soft water to be happy. I have 2 of the big 3 of the SA dwarves known to be notoriously difficult to spawn raising fry right now in straight tapwater and spawned the other of the 3 in wellwater, the spawn sizes were lower but they were still happy. Cleanliness and diet are more important than anything.
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