aqua one with under gravel system problem

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 9, 2005
United Kingdom
hi guys one of my other tanks is a 25 litre aqua one tank with undergravel fillter :oops: the problem is the fish in it 1 simese fighter (no problem) and one Plecostomus cat fish, when this fish does its toilet its all over the place long string things :oops: and the filter is just not getting rid of it


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The tank is roughly 6.5 US gal. It is much too small for a pleco, no matter what kind of pleco it is. I would remove him immediately.
If the fish has long stringy poop than it could be an internal health problem. Maybe you have too much gravel over the filter so it can't suck stuff down, or it is full and needs to be cleaned.
Filters do not necessarily pick up fish waste. That is what gravel vacs are for. Keep doing regular gravel vacing to pick up the waste. But I would still get rid of the pleco because of the tank size.
cheers for the help guys :D I could put him in my other 80 litre tank but I already have one pleco there don't know what sex they are will they fight ???
What kind of plecos are they? If they are commons, they should neither one be in the tanks. If it is a dwarf variety, then you may have SOME leway.
Most likely they are commons. They have the potential to grow up to 18". They really should be taken back to the lfs.
cheers you really helped a lot I was thinking about getting a bigger tank in the near future so as long as they don't fight I should be happy at the mean time
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