AquaKai's 2.5g Planted Tank!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 20, 2011
Oxford, OH
Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've started off a tank build. Well I'm back and with my 2.5g MiniBow. Sadly my betta Prince Charming died:bawl: He was fairly old when I had gotten him and has been extremely unactive for the past month or so. I tried keeping the water pristine, feeding live and frozen foods, watched him carefully for any signs of sickness. But he died, on Saturday! I've decided in his memory to make a nice tank for a new "rescue" betta like himself. I mostly get bettas from good pet stores, but I think that I'll save one***.

Since the tank is pretty pathetic looking with it's black and neon gravel and java moss...

I need some opinions on planting the tank!

Substrate: I've read that I can use Miracle Grow on the bottom, yes the fertalizer kind, but apparently I need to bake it or soak it for a while, and then sift it for large non soil items. Has anyone done this? Should I try?

Lighting: I have a 15w Compact flourecent light bulb with 900 lumens. Is that good lighting? Where would this put me in the planting world?

CO2: I was thinking about doing DIY CO2, but I've heard that it can lead to HUGE algae breakouts. Should I attempt? Do I need a bouble counter thing? I'm not sure where even to get them.

Ferts: I've read up about them but I just can't seem to understand them very well. I think that ferts are the micro (?) nutrients that plants need, but I'm not all that sure. I know that Potassium, Nitrate, and I think Iron are the main ones. Would I be needing them? What kinds are there and where can I get them, if I do decide to get them?

Here's what I have:
Java Moss, X-Mas Moss, Afzelii Anubais, Anacharis, Moneywort, Marimo Moss Balls and Wisteria. I can get some of these out of other tanks.

What I would want if I can have, JUST IDEAS(please tell me if these are possible and what all I would have to do with them):

HC, Dwarf Sag, Anubais Nana Peite, Hygrophila sp. 'tiger', Java Fern Narrow Leaf Frogbit or some other floater, Staurogyne 'porto velho', Blxya Japonica and Riccia. I believe that's all.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully answering some of my questions!

Going down to my woods right now, will hopefully find a good driftwood piece or a amazing rock! I'll post pictures of my findings and havings when I get back!

***I don't support the selling of fish in uneducated stores, but they're always going to sell bettas, or at least around me they will. I'd rather get a betta or two from bad places and treat them well than have someone else give them a horrible life in one of those .25g death traps. I knew that the statement would get people mad but please see a little reason with my logic and no arguments about it would be lovely!
I found some driftwood! Here are some pictures of the tank, the driftwood, and some rocks. I have more rocks I just need to take a picture of them.
I'm going to follow this thread! I have a 2.5 right now that I am using as a Betta qt but am thinking of turning it into a shrimp tank. But after reading this, now I'm thinking planted tank! Planted, with shrimp... I'm really curious about the dirt substrate option...
I'm going to follow this thread! I have a 2.5 right now that I am using as a Betta qt but am thinking of turning it into a shrimp tank. But after reading this, now I'm thinking planted tank! Planted, with shrimp... I'm really curious about the dirt substrate option...

If you do go along and do this post some pictures! I'm really excited about this, but I've gotten little response from people. I've also posted on the Planted Tank Forum as well. Hopefully someone knowledgable will post soon. I'd like to start ASAP:) There was a beta at the store a day or two ago that has captured my eye;) I'll post everything that I've learned on the other forum on here just to let you know!
Ok so I got some info from the planted tank forum:). Here it is:

welcome to the planted side of the hobby. You can definitely use Miracle Grow but be sure it's the organic mix. If there are artificial ferts in the mix it'll fry anything you put in the tank. My 5g in fact was dirted using Miracle Grow.

The light you have will definitely be enough lighting given that it's the correct spectrum. Do you happen to know the Kelvin rating of the bulb? Ideally for planted tanks most people shoot for around 6500k (my favorite in fact)
(mine is a 6500k I had just forgotten to type that)

You can definitely experiment with DIY c02. It's fairly easy to setup. Just be sure to watch your tank especially after mixing a new solution because in a smaller setup like that inhabitants can be more easily gassed. DIY c02 can be set up with about a $10 investment.

The best thing about planted tanks is it's pretty easy to try new things. The plants on your list all seem fairly readily available (and you already have a bunch) so I say give them a shot. If you have a particular aquascape in mind shoot for that. See what works with your setup and what doesnt.

I would suggest having plants ready for when you dirt your tank. It helps to avoid huge algae blooms if you have some plants ready to soak up the extra burst of nutrients. Duckweed, frogbit, and other floating plants are good at this but can be difficult to remove if you want them evicted.

Any idea on inhabitants? Shrimp would look great in there. Also it could be a great home for a betta!

Hope this will help with everyone:). I'm hoping to pick up some organic tomorrow or Wednesday. I'll post pictures as I go!
So I've gotten soil for the tank and am going to be ordering plants soon! Does anyone know how to get the soil "ready" for the tank? I've read about boiling, soaking, baking and airing out the soil. Does anyone recommend doing it a certain way?
I saw someone recommend sifting it to get all the chunks out. Wish I could tell you more, but I'm in the same boat! Are you planning on putting anything on top of the soil?
VioletEmber said:
I saw someone recommend sifting it to get all the chunks out. Wish I could tell you more, but I'm in the same boat! Are you planning on putting anything on top of the soil?

I've got some advice from the plantedtank people as well. They say that all of that isn't needed. However making it wet so that it sinks and the chunks float. I'm planning on putting an inch of sand on top of it. And I'm putting 3/4"-1" of soil on it. Hoping everything goes good!
AquaKai said:
I've got some advice from the plantedtank people as well. They say that all of that isn't needed. However making it wet so that it sinks and the chunks float. I'm planning on putting an inch of sand on top of it. And I'm putting 3/4"-1" of soil on it. Hoping everything goes good!

Soil with a sand cap should work well. Just plan out where you want your plants so you aren't stirring up the tank too much by replanting.

I love my planted tanks. You can see mine on my profile page.
Coursair said:
Soil with a sand cap should work well. Just plan out where you want your plants so you aren't stirring up the tank too much by replanting.

I love my planted tanks. You can see mine on my profile page.

That's good to hear:). I'll wait until the plants come in to do anything just yet. Oh and your tanks are beautiful! I hope that mine will look as good as yours:D
Coursair said:
Soil with a sand cap should work well. Just plan out where you want your plants so you aren't stirring up the tank too much by replanting.

I love my planted tanks. You can see mine on my profile page.

Nice badis, I picked up a few a couple weeks ago.
What do you feed yours?
Mine won't eat flake...
Coursair: should I wait for the plants to come in before I put everything in or should I plant while putting it in. I was thinking that could maybe start my mini cycle while waiting for some of my plants:D
Today I put my substance in the tank:). I put about 1/2"-3/4" of soil and then about 1"-1 1/2" of sand in. It's settling out now. I also ordered red micro chain sword, baby tears, ludwigia repens and dwarf water lettuce. They'll hopefully will be here on Monday:)
Heres a picture with some of the cloudiness gone and a piece of driftwood in it:
I like the idea of a small planted tank, I think it's cute and I might do something neat for my brothers or sisters 2g Berta tanks. My brother has a blue veil tail, and my sister has a red one. Very beautiful fish, and extremely hardy! I put a small anacharis stem into my sisters 2g, and she has a tendency to leave the light off do I'm afraid it'll die. I'd like to follow this thread and see if there's any way to plant their tanks, here's a pic of their tanks, and the 10g tank is mine:

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The current plants in their tanks are fake, and all my plants are live, so I'm hoping that I can move some of the offspring anacharis from my tank to theirs. We were also talking about removing the air stones from their tanks and into mine, any objections? (I dont mean to steal your thread, but this is probly an easier place to ask, instead of making my own thread and waiting such a long time for someone to anwser) keep me updated on your little planted tanks!
I like the idea of a small planted tank, I think it's cute and I might do something neat for my brothers or sisters 2g Berta tanks. My brother has a blue veil tail, and my sister has a red one. Very beautiful fish, and extremely hardy! I put a small anacharis stem into my sisters 2g, and she has a tendency to leave the light off do I'm afraid it'll die. I'd like to follow this thread and see if there's any way to plant their tanks.

The current plants in their tanks are fake, and all my plants are live, so I'm hoping that I can move some of the offspring anacharis from my tank to theirs. We were also talking about removing the air stones from their tanks and into mine, any objections? (I dont mean to steal your thread, but this is probly an easier place to ask, instead of making my own thread and waiting such a long time for someone to anwser) keep me updated on your little planted tanks!

It's fine that you want to follow and ask:) I'm just glad that this can be of assistance to others! For very low tanks there are java ferns, bunches of different anubais that would work, mosses. Actually here's a list of low light plants from the planted tank (great forum for planting aquariums;)):
Java Fern - Microsorum pteropus
Windelov Java Fern, Windelov Fern - Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov'
Narrow Leaf Java Fern - Microsorum pteropus v. 'narrow leaf'
Java Moss - Vesicularia dubyana
Green Hygro - Hygrophila polysperma
*Sunset Hygro - Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'
Ceylon Hygro - Hygrophila polysperma 'Ceylon'
Rotala Rotundifolia - Rotala rotundifolia
Rotala Rotundifolia sp. Green - Rotala rotundifolia sp. 'Green'
Rotala Indica - Rotala indica
Hornwort - Ceratophylum demersum
Parrots Feather - Myriophyllum aquaticum
Moneywort, Water Hyssop - Bocapa monnieri
Brazilian Pennywort, Pennywort - Hydrocotyle leucocephala
Crypt Wendtii - Cryptocoryne wendtii
Crypt Balansae - Cryptocoryne Balansae
Pygmy Crypt - Cryptocoryne pygmaea
Guppy Grass - Najas guadalupensis
Anubias barteri - Anubias barteri v. barteri
Anubias barteri 'marble' - Anubias barteri 'marble'
Anubias barteri v. 'glabra' - Anubias barteri v. 'glabra'
Anubias nana - Anubias barteri v. 'nana'
Coffee leaf anubias - Anubias barteri v. 'coffeefolia'
Crypt retrospiralis - Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
Crypt spiralis - Cryptocoryne spiralis
Golden nana - Anubias barteri v. 'nana golden'
Narrow leaf nana - Anubias barteri v. 'nana narrow leaf'
Petite nana - Anubias barteri v. nana 'petite'
Philippine Java Fern - Microsorum pteropus 'Philippine'
Red Java fern - Microsorum pteropus "red"
Crypt Becketii - Cryptcoryne becketii
Pelia - Monosolenium tenerum
Waterwheel Plant - Aldrovanda vesiculosa
Bacopa - Bacopa caroliniana
African Water Fern - Bolbitis heudelotii
Hornwort - Ceratophyllum submersum
Crypt Aponogetifolia - Cryptocoryne aponogetifolia
Micro Crypt - Cryptocoryne petchii
Tropica Sword - Echinodorus parviflorus 'Tropica'
Downoi - Pogostemon helferi

*Do not ned high light to attain pink color. Dosing Iron can bring out this color. I have learned this from experience.

As for the air stone thing, if you have filters (which I highly suggest) in each of the tanks you can get rid of the air stones. However if you don't have filters I'd take the air stones and turn them into sponge filters instead:) Hope this helps, and hope you continue to watch this thread!
It does help, Ina I'll keep an eye on this thread and help if I can! ^^
Today I added in a piece of driftwood with moss and one sad piece of anacharis. This anacharis will hopefully live in this tank because it dies everywhere else that I put it!

Here's a picture!

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