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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 2, 2013
Hi All
My home is going to be treated for bed bugs. Would it be safe to store my aquarium filters, unused Mopani African root wood and all things related to the aquarium in plastic storage bins. Also how can I protect my 30 gallon established aquarium during this treatment? I also have 4 other empty aquariums, how can I protect these as well? Any advice would be very much appreciated. :thanks:
If you can, turn off all filters and pumps on your tank and cover with a tarp or trash bag or something big enough to keep the chemicals out of the tank. Do a couple water changes after the the fumigation is over just to be on the safe side. As for your extra supplies tie them up in trash bags or plastic totes with a good fitiing top. Rinse them off before you use them again.

I am not sure yet if it will be with steam or chemicals. Do you have
any suggestions as to whether steam or chemicals will be used? I am not
happy about this. I also have 4 empty aquariums at home that have not
been set up yet before I was bombarded with this bad news. Thank you so
very much for any suggestions or advice that you may have.:fish2:
I am not sure yet if it will be with steam or chemicals. Do you have
any suggestions as to whether steam or chemicals will be used? I am not
happy about this. I also have 4 empty aquariums at home that have not
been set up yet before I was bombarded with this bad news. Thank you so
very much for any suggestions or advice that you may have.:fish2:
I described what i would do if it was a chemical treatment. If its steam I would be worried about a raise in temperature.
yeah if its steam, i would try and tear it down and move it to the garage while the house is being steamed. if its chemicals, most people on here suggest turning off air pumps and covering the tank with plastic and towels and for extra precaution run extra carbon in your filter to remove any chemicals that may have seeped through
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