At my wits end!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 28, 2004
Lebanon, IN
I have been battling sick Hatchetfish for the past 12 days. I can't seem to get them well and I don't know what i'm doing wrong :(

I have 3 silver hatchetfish. They are all alone in a 10-gal QT. This tank was recently my main Community tank, but I moved all the fish, but them to my new 55-gal. The tank setup is an HOB filter. I have an UGF which right now I just have an airstone in one of the lines.

It started when I noticed my silver hatchetfish had white spots. I figured it was Ick. I added salt, increased the temp to 80-84 and treated with copper sulfate for a few days. Then I noticed a fuzzy area and degenerating fins on one of my guys. I read that Ick can be caused by a bacterial infection with the Ick as a secondary reaction. I began feeding them anti-bacterial food. I saw no change so decided to try treating with triple sulfa. Today is the last dose of this and the fuzz is pretty much gone.

Well, I got home today and the fish with the fuzz is absolutely COVERED with Ick. I did a 25% H2O change yesterday and added more salt.

What should I do?????? Should I go with a round of the malachite green??? I've been adding so many chemicals and medicines that I'm so afraid that I'm causing more harm than good.

Is it possible that this could be related to the fact that I still have gravel from when this was a community tank????

I don't know what to do and feel so frustrated!!!!! :crazyeyes:

Sorry this is so long, but I appreciate all advice.

When you're treating for ich, you have to treat the whole tank because the parasite will lie dormant in the gravel for part of its life cycle. See the ich article for lots more info. The elevated temperature treatment is the best way to eliminate ich. I've never had any need for copper sulfate or formalin since I started using this treatment. The only problem with it occurs if your fish also has a bacterial infection, which can be made worse by higher temps and the resulting low oxygen levels in the water.

You have to bring the temp up to 87 - 88oF - no less. Your temp just wasn't high enough to kill the ich. I would give the elevated temp another go, if the bacterial infection is all cleared up. Hope this works for you!
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