azosdkfghls;dfh !!!! YES!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 10, 2003
I noticed that one of my rams was lieing on its belly in my 55 gallon and I feared it mightve been sick. The big big one of my trio then came over and swam juss above the small one. Thats when the third german ram swam within a foot of the two and the big male chased it away. ( Only calling the fish an it cuz i dont kno its sex) I looked to where the female was laying and sure enough theres a group of eggs in the corner! :D :D In the corner theres a flower pot on its side that makes a small triangle where on side is the pot and the other two is the corner of the tank. I never though these fish would breed....I got them in an auction as a trio for 15 dollars unaware of any of their sexes'. I find it ironic that my kribensis have yet ot breed and theyre considered easy egg layers....anyways Wat should I do??? Im not aware of Ram breeding habits or how much care the fry will recieve...are they safe in my aquarium!? Errr Im sorry im juss happy and excited right now!
lol time to set up the 20 gallon in my room :mrgreen: thanks for the sites Allivymar!
lol time to set up the 20 gallon in my room :mrgreen: thanks for the sites Allivymar!
Lol how ironic......the Kribs bred....I saw the male chase off the serpae tetras and notice a couple of small fry hiding at the edge of the driftwood cave :D turned out to be a good day after all.
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