[b]Hello Again![/b]

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 13, 2002
Well I'm back. Have stopped in a few times and I see some new updates to the site. Very Nice.
After my evil twin did all that Nazi Fish Killer stuff I had to empty the tank and start over. Took forever to cycle as I was too lazy to go buy unscented ammonia.
Every little scratch on the glass or piece of bloodworm uneaten looks like a leech thing to me and I panic! Who said aquariums were relaxing????
I put a heater in the tank and decided to go with tropicals. Right now I only have a cleaning crew ( algae was thriving ) but will be getting some more fish soon.
I love Pl*cos so I bought me a dwarf bristle nose. I love what these little guys do to driftwood. Seems she is a girl so I may get a male in the future.
I also bought an oto cat and MAN do these fish take care of an algae prob in a hurry! I might be looking for a home for this one as he is doing too good a job and he doesn't seem interested in any greens i might add. who knows.
On a whim I bought a few ghost shrimp. These have got to be the most thorough clean up crew I have ever seen. They don't miss a thing from what i can see. They are so cool to watch but they remind me of roaches *shudder*.
Well I gots lots of posts to catch up on. take it easy all.
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