Baby Rams !!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 24, 2003
Decatur, GA
Finally, after months of spawning, and eggs making it 48 hours, only to be eaten, My Rams finally hatched a spawn (took about 55-60 hours). :D Unfortunately, the mommie died about 12 hours after the eggs hatched. All water parameters were/are perfect: pH 6.9, temp = 79.2 F, Amm = 0, N'ite = 0, N'ate = 15 ppm, O2 = 8-9 mg/l. She had no visible sign of sickness or disease.

The dad is amazing. Even though the mom's gone, he's guarding the babies like mad; gobbling them up, then spitting them out *far* away from the front of the tank...mind you, it's an endless job, as I counted about 45 swimmers. 8O

I'm gonna try and ad a pic...but one quick question: any good way of doing daily small water changes (to promote growth) without sucking up the babies? The babes and dad currenly reside in a 12 gallon Eclipse...I've placed a fine mesh bag over the intake to keep from inhaling the swimmers. I'm using air tubing to drain water out of the filter resevoir, and replacing fresh water in the same manner...slow drip to minimize possible shock.

Anyways, I'm so happy, I'd pass out cigars if I smoked. If all goes well, I hope to have about 10-15 (given attrition and acts of God) for trade sale once they are old enough. (which is when?)...

Hope the pic works.

Congrats! Although I'm sorry bout the mom; that sucks.

The airline tubing is what I use to vaccum the tank; grab a cheap white bucket (rinse it REALLY well) and have the tubing siphon into that. Then you can see the fry that get sucked up and can put em back in the tank (fry are notorious for going for rides LOL).
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