Badis Badis for sale/trade Northern VA

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 29, 2004
Manassas, VA
I have approximately 20 Badis that I need to part with. I have Badis-Badis (Blue) and Badis-Burmanicus(Turquoise and red-black checkered). I have tried to sell them to my LFS but they won't buy. All they want is to give me a 20% discount on my next purchse! I bought my original's from them at 4.89 apiece. I am not really setup to ship them, but might in a pinch. I would prefer someone local to pick them up.
is the blue bengalensis? or are they all burmanicus?


is it like that or

Neither, the blue are Badis-Badis-Badis and are a Dark Blue and sometimes almost Black when they are showing off. The picture you have of the Scarlet is actually Badis-Bengalensis, which is now Dario. The other pic is of Badis-Burmanicus. Sad to say all my Badis are gone now - gave them to the LFS.
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