Balloon molly in labor?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 23, 2014
I recently purchased a pair of ballon mollies, and said I didn't have a preference to which ones I wanted. So the fish guy got an orange male and a white female. Great. At the time I didn't care. But my Dalmatian mollies are already breeding and I just got 30+ total fry from my two females. So I didn't think much of the male. But now I realize that it means many more babies. Too many!!! Now I'm 99% sure she is pregnant she has a squarish stomach and is hiding. I moved her into a small floating plastic container with small fake plants because my breeding trap has my Dalmatian fry.
How can I be certain she is in labor? She is VERY big and swimming in the S shape. Help?
If she looks like \__/ from the side and (__) from the front she is most likely gravid. I would suggest either bringing back the male and getting another female or separate the males and females. If you want females. If you don't care, then get rid of the females and get all males (also if you don't want any more fry; they can have more batches with only one contact with a male)

If you want, you can just leave the females in the main tank and let the fry survive if they can. It prevents the hassle and makes the females less stressed.

Good luck! Keep us posted!
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