barbs and sharks?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 2, 2003
Hi, this is sort of a repost, but i have 6 tiger barbs (3 albino & 3 regular) in my tank. Since they are kinda aggresive, i decided i need to find out what they are compatable with before buying anything else. I was hoping to get a red fin shark. Does anyone know if they are compatable? thanks
Ideal tankmates for barbs include other semi-aggressive fish. These would include Gouramis, Dwarf Cichlids, and Sharks.

Some non-aggressive fish you should have luck mixing them with could be:
Rainbowfish, Plecos, Catfish, larger Livebearers, and Loaches.

Be aware that barbs are fin nippers. But since you have 6 they will probably just play among themselves.
Go for the Shark. Just make sure you check the Maximum size of the shark and put them in a tank big enough. I'm not sure about the red tailed shark you are interested in, but some others (like the bala) get quite large.
umm, i have the barbs in a 10 gallon tank. will this be big enough? I am trying to get a 20 gallon, but that gets expensive. suggestions?
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