Begineer Question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 24, 2003
Eastern NC
I am wondering what other fish will survive with an oscar.

I definitely want a pl*co in there to be on algae patrol. I have thought about a Jack dempsey and/or a Columbian shark. any suggestions would be appreciated.
Well that depends on the size of the oscar and the size of his tank mates. I the Oscar already set up and you add to that? Or will this be a new setup all together?
This will be a new setup. I intend to purchase the oscar and all other fish while they are still small.
What you have to think of is your Oscars eventual size 14". Is your tank big enough for him. Before you think about introducing others. A pleco will be fine as they can reach 18"+. When picking tank mates for Oscars they need to grow about the same rate as the Oscar and to a simular size, other wise the oscar will just dominate the tank.
I always say that a good companion for an Oscar is another Oscar, but they have to be of the opposite sex or two females. because two males will fight.
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