beginner fish for a 10gal nano

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 23, 2006
Toledo, Ohio
im not quite a saltie yet, im still doing my research, but i would like some input on what you guys deem 10gal compatible, as well as a beginner fish. the tank with have most of its space available, im not putting that much LR in. i'd like to get a clownfish, but im sure they are to big for this tank. also neon gobies are out of the answer. thanks
I've heard of people keeping the smaller clown species in a 10. An A. Ocellaris or a true percula. Damsels are always nice. Neon gobie would work too.
as fellow nano(ers) do you guys have any personal preferances? its not that i dont like neon gobys, i just refuse to pay $20+ for something the size of my thumbnail. i know thats how sw fish usually are though.
Yes, you are right I was thinking most tanks30g and less are kind of nano systems. The original poster did say they are considering a 10g. It is recommended a false perc have at least 20g. I have seen them frequently in 12g nano cubes though with success.
IMO Yellow watchman are very cool. Unfortunately I have a cc substrate and it is recomended they have sand.
thanks for the links guys. one more question, i think im aiming for a clown goby, it says they're peaceful, but not social? should i have more than one in a tank if i get a brown clown goby or a green goby?
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