Berried shrimp! ID?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 25, 2010
Okay, I have a 'monster' and a smaller little harmless shrimp. The smaller one is berried!! But the 'monster' is about 2x the size (and still growing) but the smaller one is also growing I believe... I thought they were different, but once she had berried she has the other ones pattern.. Could the bigger one be the male of her species? You can't see it in these photo's but the black markings on there stomach/side area are also the same.. The smaller one looks more of a reddish in the dots etc as she has just molted, but that's also what happens when the bigger one molts..Can shrimp store sperm..? I don't want to be overrun! For more pictures and a video of the bigger one go to - Thanks!


the smaller one is just a ghost shrimp,they become berried periodically,not just when there fertilized.
I know. :) I read another thread, but what about the markings?
some ghost shrimp have red spots,a couple of mine do.
Ahh, good, these shrimp are confusing me..
The second ine is definitely a ghost shrimp. A lot of them do have pretty cool spots and patterns if you bother to look. That first guy is one studly shrimp haha. Looks like another ghost from the pic. Could be a different species though. I doubt you'll be overrun, but the babies will make a good snack for fish if they are fertilized.

I only have the GS in there, an amano and an african dwarf frog :S
The larger one is definately a Long Armed Prawn, not a male ghost shrimp. Male ghost shrimp actually stay smaller than the females, so I am sure it isn't a male.
Yeah, I seen that on another thread, I was worried that they weren't GS thanks guys for ID'ing her as a GS I can lay my worries to rest now! But the other one.. I can't seem to get an exact ID so I don't know what she needs temp wise etc etc she's in an 11 litre full wc's every 2 days, has gravel and some decor I wish I could just put her in my 48 gal but she'd attack my corys, my snowball pleco or someone small..
I am 90% sure that first shrimp is a long armed prawn.

However, I don't know what temp. they require, etc.
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